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本篇美国代写论文:MOBA游戏的特点介绍是由我们美国论文人论文代写平台提供的一篇范文节选,欢迎阅读。之所以选择实时战略体育MOBA,是因为它有一些与传统体育相似的特点,也有一些与传统体育鲜明不同的元素。就MOBA游戏的特点而言,它们需要广泛的团队合作和战略组织。传统体育也有类似的团队合作和战略组织(Molyneux et al., 2015)。



之所以选择实时战略体育MOBA,是因为它有一些与传统体育相似的特点,也有一些与传统体育鲜明不同的元素。就MOBA游戏的特点而言,它们需要广泛的团队合作和战略组织。传统体育也有类似的团队合作和战略组织(Molyneux et al., 2015)。在这些游戏中,有些情况下,参与者只能通过杀戮来获得金钱,而这些形式在传统体育中是不存在的。那些似乎有一些与众不同的特点的人或玩家被称为英雄(Xiong et al., 2014)。当游戏开始时,每个参与者都要设置一个被称为古垒的垒。这种创造暗示着首要目标是杀死对手。有些资源要么是消耗品,要么是从杀死怪物的钱中升级而来。最后,游戏场地的大小是有限的,因为地图知识不像资源使用那样被强调(Koivula, 2001, p.34)。


像MOBA这样的电子竞技与其他体育赛事有一些根本的区别。这个案例让我们很容易定义moba是否应该被包含在运动中,还是仅仅作为游戏。首先,在运动中,参与者需要进行锻炼(Van, 2013)。这一条件是为了确保运动员有足够的体力来维持这项运动的所有必要条件。在真正的游戏日之前,体育活动要进行好几次。根据Van(2013)的说法,专家们还需要运用不同的技能和知识,同时还要有体能和努力,以及团队领导,以确保所有的参与者在实际活动之前都是健康的。这种情况因此在体育和MOBA游戏之间画出了一个完全的区别,因为这些游戏并不一定需要身体锻炼来保持健康和身体灵活性。例如,那些玩射箭的人只需要协调和精确,使它没有任何身体上的压力。这种状态意味着体力不是参加这些比赛的条件(Dye et al., 2009,第112页)。


The real time strategy sports MOBA is picked because some of the characteristics of the game are similar to traditional sports and some elements are vividly different from traditional sports. In terms of the characteristics of MOBA games, they are involving since they require extensive teamwork and strategic organization. Traditional sports have similar teamwork and strategic organization (Molyneux et al., 2015). In these games, there are some situations where the participants will only get money by killing, and these forms are not present in traditional sports. Those people or players who seem to have some unique characteristics that distinguish them from the rest are called heroes (Xiong et al., 2014). When the game starts, each of the participants sets a base called an ancient. This creation implies that the primary objective is the killing of the opponent. There exist some resources which are either consumables or upgrades mad from the money paid for the creep killing. Lastly, the size of the playing ground is limited given that map knowledge is not stressed up just like the resource usage (Koivula, 2001, p.34)

Some fundamental differences distinguish eSports like MOBA from sports. This case makes it easy to define whether MOBAs should be included as sports or just remain as games. Firstly, in sports, exercise is required by the participants (Van, 2013). This condition is meant to ensure that the player has the physical strength to sustain all the necessary requirements of the sport. The physical activities are done several times before the actual playing day. According to Van (2013), different skills and knowledge are also required to be applied by the experts along with physical stamina and exertion and team leaders to ensure that all participants are fit before the actual day. This condition thus draws a complete distinction between sports and the MOBA games given that these games do not necessarily require physical exercises for fitness and body flexibility. For instance, those people who play archery only need coordination and precision to make it without any physical strain. This state implies that physical strength is not a condition to participate in these games (Dye et al., 2009, p. 112).

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