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我们为这个项目选择的泵是海沃德6060 3/4马力增压泵。这种泵非常高效节能。海沃德6060 3/4马力增压泵有一些很酷和独特的特点:它比大多数其他增压泵少用40%的电力。它很容易安装。高大的电机底座允许更多的电机通风和保护自己免受洪水。它适用于所有的情况。


There are four elements to consider in the application of the VFD in the pressure boosting system. The first element is the plumbing system. The plumbing system is designed to account for the flow, residual pressure, static height, supply pressure and losses. The second element is sequencing. The important consideration in sequencing is how to maximize our pumps efficiency. The third element of the pressure boosting system is pump selection. The pumps are selected so it provides maximum efficiency. The final element of the system is electrical utilities and billing policies. This element considers the cost compared to the efficiency of the systems to determine whether or not it is cost efficient to install the VFD pressure boosting system.
For the VFD pressure boosting system, we chose two pressure boosting systems that are built and designed by two different companies. The following is a comparison between the two pressure boosting systems. This is to show which system is the best suited to use for our project.

Allen Bradley is one of the most popular PLC brands in North America. We decided to choose this brand because it will be easily accessible to our consumers and we also have the resources to provide test runs of our design.
According to our sources the Owasina building requires a total of 377,520 litres of water daily. We decided to install 4 pressure booster pumps inside the building to compensate for the requirements. Three of the pumps are to be used daily and the last one is a backup just in case one of the primary pumps fails to operate. With that said we wanted some breathing room for the pressure pump just in case an emergency occurs so we’ve decided to select pressure booster pumps who can support 25% more than what the daily required amount is.
The pumps that we chose for this project is the Hayward 6060 3/4 HP booster pump. This pump is very efficient and energy saving.The Hayward 6060 3/4 HP booster pump has some cool and unique features:It uses up to 40% less electricity than most other booster pumps.It is very easy to install.The tall motor base allows for more motor ventilation and protects itself from flooding.It is suitable for all situations.

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