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本文主要内容是如何建立一个强大的和弹性的供应链,建立一个强大的和有弹性的供应链来自于这样一个事实:全球采购正在增加,企业变得更加渗透和依赖于其他企业、供应商和合作伙伴。这使得弹性更加相关,并且是最优先考虑的,因为供应链中发生的任何中断都表明业务进展的中断(Christopher and Peck, 2004)。这一基本观点使得弹性供应链的重要性几乎不可避免,甚至变得不那么重要。本篇华盛顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Building a robust and resilient supply chain comes from the fact that global sourcing is increasing and businesses become more penetrated and interdependent on other businesses, suppliers and partners. This makes the resiliency more relevant and of utmost priority, as any disruption occurring in the supply chain indicates a disruption in the business advancement (Christopher and Peck, 2004). This is a fundamental view that makes the importance of resilient supply chain almost unavoidable or even less important.
Sourcing from different countries, assembling in another and selling and distributing in yet other countries require a resilient supply chain which remains so even after the worst perceived disruption. Sheffi (2001) makes an argument for the worst ever disruption in the supply chains posted the 9/11 attacks in the US, which was considered as a merciless and dastard attack disturbing the entire business worldwide and their respective supply chains. The focus shifted immediately to such extreme possibilities of disruption that hits business abruptly. Since then, terrorism is considered to be an important disruptor when supply chain establishments takes place, and most businesses assess the cost of such events and start planning the supply chain movement in a manner that avoids terrorism to the least.
In addition, Christopher and Holweg (2011) assert the turbulence with which the global supply chains are developed. Even if they are developed well with full ability to be resilient, it is not fit enough for any uncertain incidence that disrupts the flow of goods. For this to counter, the authors argue that the supply chain must have structural flexibility first, following which the flexibility in the supply chain becomes more clear and applicable. Structural flexibility comes from flexible management accounting principles and the decisions taken to implement them on a regular basis. With increased assessment and inquiry with supply chain managers, it is found that the perception of the world becoming more uncertain is the most common denominator that unites all managers. This indicates the importance of being alert on all kinds of perception, if not completely resilient.
Besides these issues, the difficulty that the suppliers face in matching the commitment of the business in terms of faster delivery and timely flow of goods through the chain is another concern that managers face (Christopher et al., 2007). Resilience comes when suppliers and the businesses are aligned in their intentions and commitment in doing justice to the flow of goods through the supply chain. This particular disruption is natural in almost all supply chains, especially consumer goods where the sales and delivery deadlines are more stringent and market driven.


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