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Goleman (1998) argues that emotional intelligence in the workplace would take precedence over even technical intelligence and IQ. In fact, Goleman states that IQ and technical intelligence would in fact be considered only as a threshold capability. It is emotional intelligence that would actually help a person soar in their leadership role. I write about emotional intelligence because I believe this is the most critical thing for me to work on for leadership development at present. Some of the key aspects that researcher defines as necessary in the context of emotional intelligence are as follows.
Primarily there is self-awareness, the leader who is emotionally intelligent is able to understand their emotions at a specific time, their motivations, their drive and effect on the people around them (Avolio and Gardner, 2005; Ashkanasy and Dasborough, 2003). This makes them self-confident and they have a clear realistic assessment. They might even possess a self-deprecating sense of humor that makes others comfortable around them. I believe that as an individual I have to learn to forgive myself for little things and not be too critical and analytical at all times. Secondly, people with high emotional intelligence are self-regulated and have the ability to control their moods, and can allot time before acting without judging the situation. This makes them very trustworthy. They are considered more open to change and ambiguous as well.
Thirdly, such an emotionally intelligent leader is considered as being self-motivated (Cooper and Sawaf, 1998; Kerr et al., 2006). They have a reason to work beyond the immediate necessity of money and this makes them be strongly driven and optimistic even when it looks like they have failed to the external world. Fourthly, these people are highly empathetically and are able to understand people’s emotional makeup. They are skilled in reading people’s emotions and hence are more cross culturally sensitive and experts in dealing with clients or customers. Finally, the social skills of such a person make them very proficient when it comes to building relationships and managing them on common ground. They are highly persuasive when it comes to social teams (Day, 2001; Walumbwa, et al., 2008). I believe in helping my friend and working on the other two goals, my sense of self, awareness and more are what would aid me to be a better leader.


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