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本篇文章是讲交通工具中情感互动属性的重要性,以Uber为例,情感互动属性非常重要(Gawalt, 2010)。甚至当用户联系人司机兜风时,如果用户体验是喜欢的,他一定会再次使用这个应用程序,推荐朋友和家人也一样,与一个不可取的经验包括司机不能理解方向或不能理解用户的问题。概括性地理解交互设计的概念,现在我们需要了解它所涉及的内容。基本包括四个活动——建立需求、设计替代方案、原型和评估。Uber采用用户慢跑的方式,包括关注用户和迭代设计的演进。本篇华盛顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Considering the example of Uber, emotional interaction attribute is important (Gawalt, 2010). Even when a user contacts the driver for a ride, if the experience is liked by the user, he will definitely use the app again and recommend the same to friends and family, in contrast to an undesirable experience which involves a driver who is not able to understand the directions or is not able to comprehend the problem of the user.Broadly understanding the concept of interactive design, now we need to understand what is involved in it. There are basically four activities involved-establishing requirements, designing alternatives, prototyping and evaluating. Uber follows a user-cantered approach, which involves focus on the user and evolution of iterative design.
To review the app, it starts with picking your location, from where the interface picks up your location and suggests the possible cars available for the ride for a specific destination (Michael, 2014). This pick up location and car suggestion can become more accurate and prompt in order to save the user’s time and energy. Once the user confirms the ride, a screen pops up for conformation which requires some trivial details to be filled up, which is a little cluttering in case of emergencies, so these details can either be prefilled or post filled after the cab arrives (Smith, 2011). Knowing your driver, knowing the driver on route, the expected time of his arrival and the ways to contacts him is pretty responsive. Last but not the least, it is the receipt screen UI, which tells a brief about the ride and driver and the amount payable, which is again very prompt and flexible. A new development for the same is the ride request button, which combines all of the above features in one. The users get visual indicator of their rides.
It is clear that if the interface of an application is not clear, then the users will not use it again. It is important for the companies to understand the importance of interface along with the services they are offering. What started to serve the people of New York with a handful of black cabs is now changing the urban fabrics. This is mainly due to the quality services and state-of-the-art interface developed by the engineers of Uber. Whether the user wants a ride or not, it is just about delivering a package. Uber does it all. For the people who drive with it, the application always comes up with new and interesting ways to earn money (Taylor, 2015). For individual cities, this strengthens economy, generates employment, and makes transportation easier and safer.


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