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本文主要讲的是奢侈品牌战略研究探讨,在当今时代,竞争越来越多,由于全球化的冲击而产生的品牌和产品的琥珀。在这个过程中,有许多产品被开发出来。奢侈品牌是为高质量和高服务而高价出售的产品(Hennigs et al., 2013)。品牌的功能性和审美价值被认为高于正常的订单品牌。这些公司为了确保奢侈品牌的独特性,开发出了一些关键的差异。在这篇文献综述中,将会对这些方面进行分析。产品的功能性质,以及隐含的品牌个性和公司采用的品牌战略将被详细探讨。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the current times, there has been growing number of competitions and there are an amber of brands and products that have been created owing to the impacts of globalization. In this process, there are a number of products that have been developed. Luxury brands are products that are priced at a premium for high quality and services (Hennigs et al., 2013). Functionality and the aesthetical value of the brand is considered to be higher than order normal brands. There are certain key differences that have been developed by the companies to ensure that the luxury brand is unique. In this literature review, there will be analysis of these aspects. The functional nature of the product along with the implied brand persona and the branding strategies employed by the companies will be probed in detail.
For the purpose of this research, there is a combination of primary and secondary research.
In the primary research, survey has been used. Quantitative research techniques have been used to collect data owing to the fact that it is feasible. There are a number of willing participants who consume luxury brands will take part in this research. All ethical consideration such as consent, exclusion of personal bias will be followed. The survey consists of questionnaire and online survey methods. Data analysis will be done once the information has been gathered by the researcher. These will be illustrated in the form of graphs to highlight the research findings. These implied data analyses will be combined with the secondary data in order to understand the situation comprehensively. From this analysis, there will be implementations and recommendations that will be proposed to the people. Critical analysis of the findings will also be presented.
Luxury brands need to be unique from the mass market. It is price for the premium consumer. Nevertheless, the branding strategies need not be a costly affair. The companies need to elevate the performance and persona of the brand. These brands use the pull approach to draw the consumers to the exclusive circle of the brand. It is associated with the prestige. In the case of Thailand, there is very high potential for the sale of the luxury products. The economy is dependent on tourism. Hence, any strategy should encompass ways to cater to the foreign tourists. Culturally, the domestic markets also become more open to these luxury brands. This shows future promise in sales. Probable pitfalls needs to be watched as counterfeiting of the product and maintaining the exclusive brand persona of the products.


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