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本文讲的是如何提高员工的能力,对员工的培训是提高员工能力和能力的另一个重要策略。员工感到更有动力,对自己的工作有更高的承诺水平(Dhar, 2015)。例如,目标设定是另一个重要的人力资源战略,可以用来提高员工的奉献和承诺。目标设定和金钱奖励是激励员工的重要因素。组织结构也应该支持员工的目标设定和实现他们的目标。工作条件、雇主-雇员关系和支持性环境是非常有趣和激励因素,鼓励员工提高技能和提高生产力(Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008)。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Training for the employees can be another significant strategy for increasing employee competency and ability. The employees feel more motivated and have the feeling of increased commitment level towards their job (Dhar, 2015). For example, goal-setting is another important HR strategy, which can be used to increase dedication and commitment of the employees. Goal setting and monetary incentives in return can be a great motivational factor for the employees. The organizational structure should also support the employees in goal setting and achieving their goals. Working conditions, employer-employee relationship and supportive environment are very interesting and motivational factors that encourage employees to enhance their skills and increase productivity (Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008).
The Human Resource Strategic Planning is affected by the empowerment of the employees, or it can impact the performance of the employees. Although providing incentives to the employees can lead to more expenditure of money, on the bigger level, they can bring more revenue to the organization. This is because incentives are related to the motivation of the employees, and motivation is related to increased productivity. Incentives also help in encouraging positive attitude towards work, and also motivate employees to take challenges at workplace.
For example, Sturman, & Ford (2011) examines that providing incentives to the employees also generate the power of equity. The feeling of unjust can de-motivate employees to provide quality service. The feeling of being underpaid is linked to lower level of motivation in employees. Some employees may feel that they are being underpaid that other and may develop feeling of lack of equity (Dhar, 2015). Thus, HR strategic planning can help employees to achieve equity, increased job satisfaction and decreased level of absenteeism.


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