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Sell:A well thought-out digital marketing campaign can be carried on over the internet. This may include discounts or free toys for babies with 3 purchases of BabyRun products.Serve:A membership program can be crafted for the consumers. The membership programs can enable the members’ free passes for the events BabyRun sponsors. Additionally, detailed information about the product features are provided to the parents of the babies. E-mails are sent to them regularly regarding the upcoming plans for the company, the new products to be launched, the events that are coming up, etc.
Speak:BabyRun should establish personal rapport with its customers. The members who are regular buyer of BabyRun products can be given Privilege Membership, where they can interact directly with the sales and production team either through internet driven text messages or through phone calls. All of their queries will be answered by the specialized team of BabyRun.
Save:BabyRun can reduce its overheads with technology use making the system more efficient. Back office integration can be implemented, where the members can update online their profiles.
Sizzle:The online presence of BabyRun can be made more attractive with special benefits offered to the premium members. They can given freebies occasionally, or special discounts, or may be called by the company executives for a family dinner and so on.
Target segments
The target segments are divided as follows:
Demographic segment:
Age: 25-35 years
Generation: Parents of young toddlers
Income: Middle income, upper middle, and high income groups
Gender; both genders
Geographic segments:
All regions of Ireland should be covered, where sufficient number of people and young people reside.
Psychographic segments:
Innovators: Sophisticated, successful with high esteem and taking charge of their lives
Thinkers: Reflective, matured and satisfied people
Achievers: Goal oriented successful people
Experiences: people seeking excitements, who are young, impulsive, and enthusiastic.
Behavioural segments:
Attitude: people with positive and enthusiastic attitude (McCarthy 1964)
User rate: medium and heavy product users
Loyalty status: hardcore loyals, split loyals, and shifting loyals
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