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本文主要讲的是互联网技术的使用,在所有这些变量中,授权划分是最难的。即使一个人知道如何操作互联网并拥有一台电脑,他/她也不一定能利用这项技术提供的机会。这种授权差异可以通过参与不平等这个变量来更好地解释。超过90%的互联网用户使用技术,但没有贡献。只有不到1%的用户做出了贡献,这导致了分水岭的增长(Ono和Zavodny, 2008)。查询公式、高级搜索和赞助链接是人们不具备知识的几个领域。本篇芝加哥论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Empowerment divide is the hardest of all these variables. Even if a person knows to operate internet and owns a computer, it is uncertain that he/ she can use opportunities offered by the technology. This empowerment divide is better explained through the variable called participation inequality. More than 90% of the Internet users use technologies but do not contribute. Less than 1% of users contribute which has led to the growth in the divide (Ono and Zavodny, 2008). Query formulation, advanced search and sponsored links are few areas where people do not possess the knowledge.
While there exist free web applications and plugins to fulfill their needs, many users fail to realize the opportunities and waste money by spending on unnecessary applications.Digital divide is a global issue. Without considering a country’s development stage, the issue exists. The reason is that such countries comprise of immigrants and people from varied backgrounds and preferences. In this section, two case studies are taken. The countries that are regarded are Egypt and America (a developing and a developed country) to understand and observe the situation to a better extent.
The mindsets of people in Egypt are unaware of the existence of digital divide. Egypt faces serious issues in the education of current population. Schools in Egypt do not follow root driven and practical approaches. They preach mechanisms that are unhealthy and unproductive (Warschauer, 2003). At the local level, education technology is the only solution to limit the digital divide and develop access of information to all.
The government of Egypt has not taken serious steps to develop productivity through installation of computers and internet at necessary places for the social development. Secondly, very limited human resources with ability and literacy skills to educate the remaining population are noticed. Hence, this only calls for a social inclusion/ addition of technology. In other words, education has to go digital so students develop their abilities and gain access to information that guarantee returns. This serves as a method to enhance the social relations.


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