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本文講輔助數據和統計數據,本研究的參與者為酒店員工。他們將通過社交媒體工具聯繫。酒店員工將是在國際酒店工作的人。本研究將考慮的倫理因素包括個人偏見和同意因素(Smith, 2015)。在定性研究的情況下,可能會有基於個人觀點的數據傾斜。這些對公司來說可能是困難的。他們需要有一個適當的啟發式,以解決不同的觀點和類比(史密斯,2015)。為了解決這個問題,將使用輔助數據和統計數據。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The participants for this research will be hotel employees. They will be contacted using the social media tools. The hotel employees will be the people who are working in an international hotel. Ethical considerations that will be considered for this research are addressing the personal bias and consent factor (Smith, 2015). In the case of qualitative research, there can be skewing of the data based on personal viewpoints. These can prove to be difficult for the company. They need to have a proper heuristic in place to address the different views and analogies (Smith, 2015). To address this issue, there will be the using of secondary data and statistical data.
The next factor that would be considered for the research is the consent. The anonymity of the people and the data that they shared would be maintained.
The hypothesis for this research can be the probable findings. These are based on the research that is collated from secondary sources. They are:
The working conditions have direct impact on employees’ working attitude. This becomes related to customer service
Lesser job satisfaction of the company has significantly negative impact on turnover rate. These cause worsening of the customer service
Career development of the companies is found to motivate employees within the workplace. These would cause better customer service to the people.
It can be comprehended that if the company treats the employs appropriately, there will be lower turnover rate. There is a need for the companies to focus on the ways to reduce the turnover rate. The ways are to ensure that the turnover rate is reduced and there is meeting of the employee requirement. This would invariably increase the customer service. The different ways of ensuring that the employees are satisfied in the workplace will be developed in the future research. These were the important analogies that were made.

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