
essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

对于今天的商务人士来说,航空旅行和通讯已经被重新划分为基本需求。从技术上讲,经济衰退意味着经济和商业的放缓,这引发了各个行业的成本管理,但对产品和服务的需求仍然很高。诀窍在于,即使在经济衰退时期,也能够以负担得起的价格提供所需的产品和服务。近年来,这一直是亚洲航空关注的重点领域,即使在经济低迷时期,这一领域也让它们得以繁荣发展。在经济衰退期间,他们能够向公众提供廉价的航空旅行,确保尽管经济放缓,商务旅行仍能继续(success, 2014)。然而,为了让人们负担得起航空旅行的费用,像亚洲航空这样的航空公司已经采取了一些激进的措施,使经济的航空旅行成为可能。除了负担能力和需求外,经济稳定、社会文化观点、全球趋势、技术进步、政治/法律稳定和人口统计等因素也有助于企业的成功。必须仔细分析和处理每一个问题,以确保满足消费者的需要。

essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

经济承受能力和购买力是需要考虑的重要因素,因为只有当消费者买得起产品或服务时,需求才可能保持高位。这使得地理位置成为联系企业成功的一个重要因素,而企业的成功必须仔细选择地理位置(Rodiek, 2006)。虽然欧洲和美国历来是投资者的热点,但在过去20年里,投资者的兴趣越来越多地转向印度和中国等发展中经济体。这是因为他们提供的廉价劳动力直接影响到制造成本。人口多、经济稳定的公民比例大,也意味着许多人可以在经济不稳定时期消费。



essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

For business people today, air travel and communication have been reclassified as basic needs. Technically, recessions mean slowdown in economies and business which triggers cost management in every industries but the demand for the products and services continues to remain high. The trick is being able to deliver the demanded products and services at affordable prices even during a recession. This has been the area where Air Asia have focused their attention in recent years allowing them to prosper even during the economic downturn. They have been able to deliver affordable air travel to the public during the recession ensuring business travel continues despite of the slowdown (Succeed, 2014). Nevertheless, to deliver affordable air travel companies like Air Asia have adopted several radical measures that have helped make economical air travel possible. In addition to affordability and demand, factors such as the economic stability, socio-cultural views, global trends, technological advancement, political/legal stability, and demographics also contribute towards the success of the businesses ventures. Each has had to be carefully analysed and addressed to ensure the consumers’ needs are addressed.

essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

Economic affordability and buyer power are important elements to take into consideration since demand is likely to remain high only when the consumer can afford to purchase the product or services. This makes geographical location an important element linked to the businesses success where the location must be carefully chosen (Rodiek, 2006). While Europe and the USA where traditionally investor hot spots, the past two decades have seen an increasing interest turning towards developing economies like India and China. This is due to them offering affordable labour which affects the manufacturing costs directly. The high population and large proportion of economically stable citizens also means many can spend during economic instability.

The large population on the Asian continent also means that there are ample demands and customers which have resulted in budget airlines to be established in the past 2 decades. Today, Air Asia is a preferred airline as it delivers almost the same services at considerably lower cost. Air Asia and many others are today registering considerable gains and expansion during the global recession since they took advantage of the recession to expand and set their requirement. Each will also target a specific consumer group which results in reducing the threat of new entrants entering and taking an existing companies business.

With regard to substituting products and income, many offer food and duty-free products for sale on the aircraft and practice staff multitasking which helps reduce the cost incurred by the company. It’s all about reducing costs and Air Asia has mastered the skill of cutting costs to deliver more affordable air travel.

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