


N2图展示了各种功能和过程,以及在形成工程需求时需要考虑的元素,以便平衡输入和输出元素。它有助于确定对废物管理系统影响最大的重要因素。此外,它还表明,数据的流动应与废物管理系统各方面的功能保持良好的一致。只有实现这些要素,系统才有可能以有效的方式运行(Prabir, 2012)。



通过这种方式,废物管理系统的需求工程提供了对所涉及过程的理解,以及可以采取哪些步骤来构建有效的软件系统,以帮助提高效率。它的目的是理解需求和过程,以便从战略的角度构建一个能够提供帮助的系统。废物管理是一个持续不断的过程,制定的过程必须有效,以提高效率。如果不能做到这一点,就会导致城市垃圾处理的不平衡和问题。重要的是,这个过程要足够强大,以满足城市的需要,并在需求中加入不时发生的各种变化。通过这种方式,需求工程确实有助于形成一个更好的过程,也有助于确保更好的回报和利益相关者(Prabir, 2012)。


The N2 diagram presents the various functions and processes along with elements that need to be considered while forming engineering requirements in order to balance the input and output elements. It helps identify significant factors that impact the waste management system the most. Moreover, it also indicates that the flow of data is to be well aligned with the functioning of the various aspect of the waste management system. Only if these elements are achieved, it would be possible for the system to operate in an effective manner ( Prabir, 2012).

Surveillance and maintenance along with off site transport and on site handling form important elements of the N2 function diagram. It indicates that the process is quite complex, especially when applied to multiple routes and multiple sites. It is possible that there be careful handling of all materials in order to deliver efficiency in the process. In addition, it would also help to maintain similar processes and not make major changes in the system in order to preserve the prevailing functionality and balance the elements involved in the waste management system.


In this way, the requirements engineering of the waste management system offers an understanding of the process involved along with what steps can be taken to build an effective software system to help improve efficiency. It aims at understanding the requirements and process in order to build a system that can help from a strategic point of view. Waste management is a continuous process and it is essential that the process charted out be effective so that there is stronger efficiency. If this is not achieved, it would result in imbalance and problem in managing waste in a city. It is important that the process be strong enough to cater to the needs of the city along with incorporation of various changes that occur from time to time in the requirements. In these way, requirements engineering does help form a better process and also helps ensure better returns and benefits to the stakeholders (Prabir, 2012).

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