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另一方面,女性倾向于从大局出发,试图找到其他解决办法。男人倾向于关注习惯,而女人则试图处理情感问题。这会导致女性患上更多的健康疾病。年龄可以影响工作压力的类型,但它往往是具体的工作的某些方面。例如,加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)进行的一项研究显示,与年龄在15岁至24岁之间的员工相比,年龄在45岁以上的员工由于不得不学习计算机技能而感到压力更大。这些导致人们死于事故或发展成健康疾病。


Gender can affect the form of stress impact that an individual would feel. There may be differences in the coping mechanisms that men and women use to deal with stress. For instance, in some research works, it is established by primary data collection that women would tend towards using more of social and emotional strategies when it comes to coping with stress in the workplace . This is not the case with men. Men try different methods of behavioural strategies o to disengage from their current issues. Men tend to focus on the problems.


Women on the other hand tend to look at the bigger picture and try to find other solutions. Men tend to focus on habits and women try to deal with emotionally. This causes the women to develop more health ailments and conditions . Age can influence the type of workplace stress experienced, but it tends to be specific to certain aspects of the job. For example, in a study conducted by Statistics Canada, more workers over the age of 45 felt stress as a result of having to learn computer skills, as compared to workers between the ages of 15 and 24 . These causes the people to succumb to accidents or develop health ailments 。

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