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Stress is a highly subjective phenomenon. It is found to vary based on the people and the subjective nature of the situation. In this, the companies need to factor in a number of factors and also ensure that there is a cash flow within the companies. Even though it is based on the subjective nature of the situation, certain common issues are felt by the sectors. In the following, the health care, manufacturing sector and IT sector have been used to comprehend the role of stresses in the organization.


In the case of health care organization, fatigue leads to decreased level of commitment to the job and the service quality rendered to the patients are often reduced. There is increase in the demands for the employees. They have to combat a number of issues to sustain in the industry. There is a general lower remuneration and the work is not evenly distributed between the personnel. The people in the company feel that they have been unfairly treated and this leads to the people to develop resentment. These increased levels of job stresses causes the employees to develop conditions such as cardio vascular condition and a host of detrimental conditions. These are found to increase the workload of the people.


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