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The key objective of management accountant is profit maximization. The identification of present value ensures the future of maximizing shareholder’s assets. The secondary objective of management accountant may include several factors. The sales revenue maximization or achieving a specific target of sales is one of them The accountant who manages the management has the objective of a long term survival and growth for the organization.


The management accounting provides the required data for management planning. The data analysed by the management accountant help in an effective planning. Management accounting helps the management to use that information in attaining objectives. The cost accounting and revaluation accounting is related in the real terms of profit . It includes the framing of the budget, the comparison of actual performance and variances computation.

All segments of the management that responsible for the action are coordinated by the management accountant. Anything that concerns the operation of business requires consultation. The management considers all possible segments before implying any policies. He administers fiscal protection for the business assets through internal control and adequate internal control .

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