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Management accountant has a very important role to play in sustainability accounting. The role of management accountant is to achieve a sustainable outcome by planning a very profitable future for an organization. The performance of the company is constantly monitored and account is maintained by the management accountant. It is the key role of the management accountant to identify the potential threats and problems.


Management accountant has a crucial role to perform in the development, installation and functioning of an effective management information system. Educating the executives is about the use of control information in the needed times. The most useful data provided to the organization is collected and processed by the management accountant . The segregation of relevant and irrelevant information and comparison of actual performance are conducted by him. The key role of a management accountant can be simply described in terms as planning, controlling and coordinating. It may include other functions as well. In order to plan for operations control, it is required for the management accountant to coordinate and administer as an important part of the organization .

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