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西班牙的习俗表明,城市里的每个社区都有一个有组织的组织,被称为Casal faller。这个组织负责一整年的筹款晚宴和派对,提供一种叫做海鲜饭的流行菜肴。每个casa faller负责名为falla的构造。这个建筑在节日期间被烧毁。



The festival of las Falles is a traditional and historic celebration of r the Saint Joseph’s commemoration within Valencia, Spain. The name of the festival itself suggests the celebration and the burnt monuments during celebration. The tows within the region hold similar celebrations that were originated from the former Falles de Valencia festival. This festival was added as the intangible cultural humanity heritage by UNESCO in the year of 2016.


The customs of Spain suggest that each neighborhood across the city has an organized group which is referred as Casal faller. This group is responsible to work for yearlong fundraising dinners and parties that offer a popular dish called paella. Each of the casa faller is responsible for the construction named as falla. This construction is then burnt during the festival.
The festival takes place for the total of five days and night and the local streets can be seen in a mode of party throughout the festival. All the people ranging from children to elderly are engaged in fireworks and making noise on the streets. The event is fixed in terms of the dates and timings. However, there are varieties of grounds for the origin of this festival. It is believed by some that it started in the middle times when the broken artifacts were disposed by artisans to burn for the celebration of spring equinox. The celebration had been compressed due to the political changes but with the democracy being restored, the falls resurfaced and the people were enabled with the freedom of expression.

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