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本文选取Wolseley作为研究对象,根据可行性从方案中选择一种合适的策略。不管一个组织有多强大,变化也会扭曲成功组织的运作。因此,变革管理是必不可少的(林奇,2012)。在适当的领导下,变更管理会对组织的运作产生积极的影响。如果Wolseley UK的策略得到更新,那么它也需要一个有计划的变更管理方法。Wolseley UK是一家领先的专业组织,专门为供暖和管道需求服务。公司通过以人为本的质量来建立自己的业务,这使得优秀的服务在整个组织中得以培养,从而使公司与客户和供应商保持良好的关系(Morschett等人2015年)。该公司将自己视为一家关系企业,因此它希望确保以比竞争对手更好的方式满足客户的所有需求。这意味着以正确的成本和正确的时间交付正确的产品(Lynch, 2012)。它进一步暗示了基于客户的长期关系的发展。这些消费者大多是承包商。论文的范围将进一步在于提出一项变更管理计划,该计划应按照新提供的战略实施。


这也会对领导力产生影响。Wolseley UK的新策略将只在分析产品生命周期分析、PESTLE analysis、SWOT分析和porter 5 force analysis的结果后才会被选中。很明显,管道市场是一个高度网络化的行业,在这个行业中,每个人都了解对方,在获得投标和投标时,关系也很重要。在Wolseley可以实施或采用的策略中,包括广泛的差异化、低成本、最佳成本、低成本或差异化市场发展(Morschett et al 2015)。从Wolseley的优势可以明显看出,该公司不需要采用低成本战略(Johnson, G)。惠廷顿,R。和斯科尔斯,K。,2014)。当一个组织需要比它的竞争对手做得更好时,就需要这种策略。当竞争对手的产品是相同的或差异化较弱时,低成本策略就能正常发挥作用。然而,Wolseley具有适度的差异化和高度多样化的投资组合。业内买家的转换成本较低,因此,该公司将需要一种策略,适当地考虑向被调查的公司提供价值。


Wolseley has been selected for the purpose of this paper in order to choose one suitable strategy from the options as per feasibility. No matter how strong an organization is change can distort operations of successful organizations as well. Therefore, change management is essential (Lynch, 2012). With suitable leadership, change management results in yielding positive influences over the operations of an organization. Wolseley UK will also require a planned change management approach if its strategy is renewed.Wolseley UK is a leading specialist organization catering to heating and plumbing need. The company has built its business through people based quality which allows excellent services to foster across the organization allowing the company to maintain strong relationship with customers as well as vendors (Morschett et al 2015). The company regards itself as a relationship enterprise so it wants to ensure that it is meeting all the needs of the customers in a better way than competitors. This implies to deliver correct products at the correct cost and at the correct time (Lynch, 2012). It further implies development of customer based long term relationships. Most of these consumers are contractors. The scope of the paper will further lie in proposing a plan for change management that should be implemented as per the strategy newly provided.

This would also incorporate implications for leadership.New strategy for Wolseley UK will be selected only upon analysing the results from product life cycle analysis, PESTLE analysis, SWOT Analysis and Porters 5 force analysis.It is evident that the market of plumbing is an industry with high networking wherein each person understands the other and relationship matters in obtaining bids and tenders. From the available options for strategies that can be implemented or adopted at Wolseley inclusive of broad differentiation, low cost, best cost, low cost focused or differentiation market development(Morschett et al 2015). As evident from strengths of Wolseley it is evident that the company does not require employment of low cost strategy (Johnson, G., Whittington, R., and Scholes, K., 2014). This strategy is needed when an organization requires doing better than its competitors. Low cost strategies work properly when rival sellers products are identical or are differentiated weakly. However Wolseley has an appropriate differentiation and portfolio which is highly diversified. The switching cost of the buyers in the industry is low and therefore the company will require a strategy that appropriately looks at offering value to the company under investigation.

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