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In the case of Surviving sexual violence, Brison uses the case of imaginative reality to make the audience understand about the real impact of sexual assault and violence on the victim. In Date rape is a kind of drug that when given to the women she loses inhibition and cognitive control over her actions. The authors clearly point towards the societal complacency towards the issue of rape.There is a general contention in the society that the sexual violence is not as harrowing like other crimes. There is a general complacency that has been observed in the case of sexual violence. The numbers of people, who give the importance for this sexual violence is very less in the society, while the cases involving rape has increased in the recent times.The inherent strength of this article is that it point, towards the main issue in the society. This is a matter of grave concern.

The rapist takes away something from the victim more than causing physical harm. This was what I felt when reading through the works of Brison. The main strength of the article of Date rape is that it is explored in the way in which the author has focused on the distorted issue in the society. In this time, the rapist exploits the situation and uses the victim. In the case of date rape, the courts start to wonder if the victim consented to the sex. This causes the victim to not come forward. There is a societal disapproval for the victim and there is empathy for the rapist. From a feminist perspective, this should be condemned. From reading this article, the biased nature of the society can be understood and construed. The victim should not be put on trial rather the real criminals in the situation should be prosecuted.

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