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视频还描述了涂口红的正确方法。嘴唇干裂的人在涂口红的时候常常会挣扎,因为口红看起来不均匀,而且会进一步擦干嘴唇。这个视频提供的基本技巧是在涂口红之前先涂上唇膏。唇膏可以为嘴唇提供必要的水合作用,因此唇膏可以平滑地滑动,使唇膏看起来更均匀。有些人很难把口红涂上更长时间,因此需要反复涂抹。这个视频有一个解。它提到涂完口红后。一个人应该用纸巾把嘴唇压在纸巾上,使唇膏更丰满,并擦掉多余的部分。这有助于口红的经久耐用(Russell & Welch, A)。,1984)。由此可以得出结论,该视频触及了所有关于口红的问题,并有助于理解可以根据个人喜好购买的口红类型。市场上充斥着不同成分的口红和品牌,因此更容易找到符合所有要求的。


This video has been made to keep in mind the various requirements of the consumers as far as the lipsticks are concerned. People are often confused about the lip shade or the kind of lipstick which would suit their skin tone and bring out the best features. This video is an effective tool to help the women who are struggling to make choice of lipstick.This video has images which show how to select lipstick, which kind to go for and whether one should go for lip stain, gloss or matte lipstick. The video clearly mentions the type of lipstick which would suit people if they want either a formal look or want to plump up the lips or want a perfect shine lip colour for the night out.The video is accompanied by a description which makes the viewer understand the concept of a gloss, matte or a lip stain lipstick. This video also talks about the tones of lipstick which would go with different complexions. For example, coral tone lipstick can suit a wide range of complexion from fair to deeper tone. Similarly, a red matte lipstick should be worn by people who want more of a formal look. The college going girls would be better off with the lip stains as it does not require much effort to put on (Elizabeth, 1962).

The video also describes the right way to apply lipstick. People who have chapped lips often struggle while putting on lipstick as it does not look even and dries the lips further. The basic tip which the video provides is to apply a lip balm ahead of applying lipstick. The lip balm will provide necessary hydration to the lip and hence the lipstick can glide smoothly to look even. Some people struggle to keep the lipstick on for longer hours and hence need to reapply time and again. For this, the video has a solution. It mentions that after applying the lipstick. One should use a tissue paper and press the lips onto the tissue paper to mattify the lipstick and to rub off the excess. This helps in making the lipstick long wear (Russell & Welch, A., 1984).Thus it can be concluded that the video touched upon all the queries regarding lipstick and helped in understanding the types of lipstick which can be purchased based on individual preferences. The market is full of different compositions of the lipstick and brand and hence makes it easier to find the one which fulfils all the requirements.

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