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There were many real-world examples that were learnt to manage people. I think these enabled me to gain new knowledge. The plausible limitation that I felt was that the analysis and estimation of the people is dependent on a number of factors. It depends from where they are from and in some cases the culture plays an important role in the determination of the people. Coming from a different culture that is very different from the current globalized management, I can say with certainty that motivation for people vary based on a variety of factors.


To form real employee relationship, it is important to develop empathy. The importance of empathy and looking at issues critically can lead to formation of real solutions for the issues . The importance of analyzing people systematically and the ways to use the techniques in real life can be useful in any stage of my career.

Ultimately, there must be more culture centric analysis done to gauge the people without forming negative stereotypes about any culture. The generic theories are only the inception point. There must be more analysis of the culture.

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