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In the system theory, there are attempts done to integrate the ideas of classical and human relation theories. These are discussion of the ways in which the people want to interact with the environment. There are three factors that are considered in this system. They are the input, conversion and output factors. The organizations are found to consist of a number of interrelated smaller systems. The people and the social groups are found to be impacted by this process. There is effective and productive work dependence and interdependence in this system.


The advantage of this system is that it combines the benefits of the classical theories and the human relationship theory. The innate limitation of this theory is that the people management process is a nuanced and intricate process . The people management needs to change based on the social variables and the final objectives of each company. The contingency theory is focused on these aspects of the system theory. Nevertheless, the contingent independent variables that are found in other systems are also considered.

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