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The advancement of technology has made people largely dependent on chemicals. Therefore, the increase in the use of these chemicals has led to the increase in pollution in the environment imposing a significant impact on the health of human beings. The main sources of chemical pollution are as follows


In the agricultural processes, pesticides and chemicals are heavily used to protect the crops. The fertilizers used by the farmers lead to water pollution. The chemicals seep into the ground, and it contaminates the soil. Ultimately, these chemicals mix up with the water bodies, water supply and food. These toxic elements impose an adverse effect on the health of the people.

Emissions of harmful gasses from vehicles contribute to air pollution. Planes, cars, buses and other modes of transportation produce carbon dioxide. The emission level of carbon dioxide is increasing day by day that has contributed to global

Industries release hazardous wastes that are not appropriately disposed of. Solvents and metals from the processes of industries pollute the water bodies. A huge amount of hydrocarbons is released by the factories into the atmosphere that contributes to global warming.

The household cleaning products and many other products for consumers are pollutants. The label on the products shows clear warning of using it.


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