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The term “artificial island” will refer to an island that is/was manmade. It is constructed by people and facilitated for living by the people rather than by any natural means. It varies in size compared to the islets and is usually floating structures made of wooden or monoliths etc in shallow waters. Artificial islands and islets have come under the environmental radar because of both pros and cons. At one end improved financial products, more space for citizens, improved land space and more are observed to exist. On the other hand, there are issues of sustainability, threats to marine life forms and problems for the shipping industry leading to economic issues for countries surrounding the artificial land. In this context, environment planning is necessary to understand impact of island on stakeholders.


The major goal of environmental planning is to ensure that a holistic framework is created for the purpose of all stakeholders involves. Sustainable outcomes are pursued and the decision-making process themselves are proceeded with adequate governance measures, transparency and ordered scope. Needs/benefits analysis as considered within scope, the anticipated social and environmental impacts, and a stakeholder analysis along with mitigatory style reforms are necessary at this point.

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