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研究地点为霍巴特,本文选取的五星级酒店包括亨利琼斯艺术酒店、萨拉曼卡码头酒店和伊斯灵顿酒店。所有这些都位于霍巴特。在接下来的三个月里,选择了利率波动的三个星期。亨利·琼斯艺术酒店(Henry Jones Art Hotel)将于1月10日至9月30日提供优惠,顾客可预订4晚,最后一晚免费。三周:8月1日,伊斯灵顿酒店平均房价为296澳元。另一方面,萨拉曼卡码头酒店的收费只有228澳元。亨利·琼斯艺术酒店的价格是449澳元。9月2日,伊斯灵顿酒店收费463澳元,萨拉曼卡码头酒店收取230澳元。亨利·琼斯艺术旅馆的价格是547澳元。10月1日周末,伊斯灵顿酒店收取580澳元,萨拉曼卡码头酒店提供265澳元的住宿。




Hobart is chosen as the location of study and the five star hotels taken for this paper would include The Henry Jones Art Hotel, Salamanca Wharf Hotel and Islington Hotel. All these are located within Hobart. Chose 3 weeks in the next three months where the rates fluctuate.Henry Jones Art Hotel is giving an offer from January 10 till September 30 where customer can book 4 nights and get the last night free. Three weeks:August 1st week On an average, Islington Hotel offers 296 AUD. On the other hand, Salamanca Wharf Hotel charges only 228 AUD. The pricing is 449 AUD at Henry Jones Art Hotel. September 2nd week Islington Hotel charges 463 AUD while Salamanca Wharf Hotel charges 230 AUD. The price of The Henry Jones Art Hotel is 547 AUD. October 1st weekIslington Hotel charges 580 AUD whereas Salamanca Wharf Hotel gives away accommodation at 265 AUD.

However, it is 418 AUD at Henry Jones Art Hotel. There is a broad difference between the rates in the very same week for all the three hotels. Earlier, the hotel was rated 4 stars and had 200 rooms and 12 conference rooms along with a restaurant. Now, it has to be marketed with 5 stars so the refurbishment is taking place. The hotel that I deal with right now charges 250 AUD per night with similar facilities as that of the other ones. The price is fixed and during occasions, and the prices are set to 350 AUD.Onbooks indicates what is sold right now. Usually, onbooks numbers are less when the date is further from arrival. However, it varies depending on the events. Occupancy forecast refers to the % of the occupancy of rooms. 85%, 70% and 85% are the expected occupancy rates for the above mentioned dates.

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