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对性外侨和种族主义国家的反思:对1952年美国的一种奇怪的解读。萨默维尔的《移民与国籍法》,西布汉,b。文章简单地指出,在警务实践中忽视犯罪与社会研究异性恋的体现作用和恰当的性别恐吓不仅没有帮助,而且是不道德的(Randazzo 30-60)。文章通过对福柯思想的探讨,超越了对道德的不满意,从而达到了一种不稳定的境界。这样做的目的是为了探究性自然的不同主观性的具体体现在何种程度上可以导致特定的警务实践(Dwyer 414)。这篇文章的作者所采取的这一立场,在本质上似乎令人不安,因为它导致了对警察公正这一概念的挑战。它进一步指出,酷儿群体可以做很多事情。此外,这篇文章强调了性行为和民族主义之间的关系在基于酷儿的研究中占据了一个关键的位置超过10年,但是这一领域并没有得到太多的关注,因为国家可能被承认具有性化的性质(Randazzo 30-60)。


这种对这种性质的关注可能源于福柯的影响,他的权力构成将注意力从国家引到了更远的地方。本文的作者研究了基于现代状态的基本结构(Dwyer 414)。这些结构是从两项法律的角度来看待的,其中包括移民和归化法律(萨默维尔76)。在整篇文章中,作者试图从种族国家的角度和选择的法律(萨默维尔76)来描述酷儿理论的真正概念。奇怪的是,作者认为在这些基本结构之下,不可能把持续存在的自然的争论分开,因为这些结构在美国是存在的。(萨默维尔78)通过对文章上下文的精确解读和论文中进一步的论证,我们就可以清楚地知道作者为什么选择赞成。其原因不仅是历史的本质,而且还涉及方法论方法(萨默维尔79)。作者也成功地解释了性外星人的含义。从这个角度看,这篇文章的主题在其意义和假设上得到了明确的阐述。


Reflection on Sexual Aliens and the Racialized state: A queer reading of the 1952 U.S Immigration and Nationality Act by Somerville, Siobhan, B. The essay has briefly argued that overlooking the embodiment role and properly gendered queering for criminological and social research heterosexual embodiment within practices of policing is not only unhelpful but also unethical (Randazzo 30-60). The essay has worked through the idea of Foucault over discomforted ethics to take up a position of precarious nature. This has been done by posing the significance to explore the way in which the embodiment of distinct subjectivities of sexual nature can lead towards specific kind of practices of policing (Dwyer 414). Such a position adopted by the author of the essay appears to be uncomfortable in nature, as it leads towards challenging the notion that there is impartiality in policing. It further argues that a lot can be done for communities of queer. Furthermore, the essay highlights that the relationship between sexuality and nationalism had a key position within queer based studies for more than 10 years, but this field has not got too much attention as to the manners that state may be acknowledged as having a sexualized nature (Randazzo 30-60).

This focus over this nature might result from the impact of Foucault whose power formulation directs attention farther from states. The author within this essay has looked at modern states based fundamental structures (Dwyer 414). These structures have been viewed from the perspective of 2 laws inclusive of immigration and naturalization law at the time when key transformations were taking place across US (Somerville 76). Throughout the essay, the author has tried to depict the real notion of queer theory as evident from the perspectives of racial states and the laws selected (Somerville 76). It appears quiet strange that the author considers it not possible to separate the contestation of ongoing nature beneath these fundamental structures as these structures were present across U.S immigration race throughout the period (Somerville 78). With precise reading of the context in the essay and further arguments in the paper, it becomes clear why the author chose to argue in favor. The reason was not only historical in nature but also involved methodological approach (Somerville 79). The author was also successful in explaining the implication of the sexual aliens. The topic of the essay from this perspective was made clear in its meanings and assumptions.

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