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哈里斯认为,在工业活动的空间结构调整过程中,已经发生了世界上有穷和无产者,工业化和非工业化,贫富差距的根本性转变。全球化最有见识的观察员之间的这种或那种形式(Slaughter and Swagel,1997)。这种观点下的极化倾向仍在起作用,但在第一和第三世界,北方和南方,而不在其中。核心外围不再是一个地理关系,而是已经成为一种社会关系。




It is believed by Harris that a basic shift from the imagined or real polarized structure of the world in haves and have-nots, industrialized and non-industrialized, rich and poor has taken place in the spatial restructuring of industrial activities. This among the best informed observers of globalization has taken place in either one form or another (Slaughter and Swagel 1997). Polarizing tendencies under this view are still at work but they are in First and Third Worlds, North and South and not within. Core periphery is no longer a geographical relationship rather it has become a social relationship.


The theory of race to the bottom in the language of welfare economics might be considered for labor in the richer countries or from the North as an externality of cross- border nature with lesser labor values in poor nations or people in the South. Including the assumption that there are no important expenses raising from disappointments in global supremacy this of course is subject to the usual caveats. ‘Race to the bottom’ has a more composite scrutiny which is provided by Staiger in the year 2003 in terms of non-pecuniary and pecuniary global externalities. The international externality would be non-pecuniary, if the externality from poor labor standards South is seen by North in humanitarian or in political terms. On the other hand, the upcoming of the pecuniary externality is from, for instance, South’s labor standards are of concern to North due to the economic well-being of US citizens because of their implications.

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