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麦当劳的营销人员只有一个可能的全球营销计划,用最好的词来说就是营销组合计划。以麦当劳为例,为了进入新的市场,公司的管理层必须配合营销组合计划去做同样的事情。由于玻利维亚在市场扩张上的失败,麦当劳的管理层必须通过国际化的过程来减少进入新市场的挑战(Keegan and Green, 2017)。


麦当劳的管理是由最高效、最经济的平台组成的,可以说麦当劳可以管理全球营销平台。根据营销平台的营销组合,全球营销计划将在全球经济一体化和相互依存的情况下,对产品和服务的销售和推广相结合。在这份声明中,麦当劳公司可以使公司无状态,没有围墙。这是当今全球市场营销组合中最重要的部分(Kotabe和Helsen, 2011)。基于购买力的增强、新兴市场的发展以及互联网及其平台的发展,公司将制定全球营销计划,进军新市场。


Marketers of McDonald would only have a possible marketing global program in the best of all possible words that are marketing mix program. As per the case study of McDonald, the management of the company has to go with the marketing mix program to do the same for entering the new market. As per the failure of Bolivia in the expansion of their market, the management of McDonald has to consume internationalization process to minimize the challenges of entering new markets (Keegan and Green, 2017).


The management of McDonald consists of the best platform of efficiencies and economics so it would be stated that the company could manage the global marketing platform. As per the marketing mix of marketing platform, the global marketing program combines the selling and promotion of products and services in an integrated and interdependent global economy. In this statement, the company, McDonald, can make the company stateless and without a wall. It is the most important segment of the marketing mix in today’s global market (Kotabe and Helsen, 2011). Based on the increasing purchasing power, emerging markets and the growth of the internet and its platform, the company would make global marketing program to enter the new market.

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