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申请人回答说,一个初中他会告诉他随后的事情。初级脚本开发人员必须记住的一个关键字是“始终写作”。设定明确的目标,并不断写作脚本作为实践。要认识到剧本应该带来强烈的情感与旁观者的联系,并争取这种情感联系(弗格森,2009年)。最好的编剧是那些从他们遇到的人那里得到角色的人。 “瞄准你的品牌,你是一个作家,还是跟随其他作家,导演和制片人的作品,与你的作品相似”(Knittel,2014)。将个人经验结合在剧本中会使剧本更加可靠。初级编剧必须记住,有一天他们的辛勤工作将受到赞赏。这个行业竞争激烈,有很多反对者。初级编剧最好的地方就是开始短片工作,在电影院做实验。获得经验,不要重复他们犯的错误。最后,这位剧本作者得出结论说,剧本写作只针对那些对此充满激情的人。从长远来看,这只能证明是成功的,这个职业并不是为了寻求快捷的金钱。



The applicant replied that to a junior he would tell him the subsequent things. The one keyword a junior script developer must keep in mind is to “keep writing” always. To set clear goals and keep writing scripts as practice. To realize that the screenplay should bring a strong emotional connect with the onlooker and to strive towards that emotional connect (Ferguson, 2009). The best screenwriters are those people who derive characters from the people that they have encountered. “Target your brand, who you are as a writer, and follow other writers and directors and producers’ work that’s similar to yours” (Knittel, 2014). Combining personal experience in the script would make the script more relatable. The junior scriptwriter must keep in mind that one day their hard works will be appreciated. This industry has a lot of competition and there are a lot of naysayers. The best place for a junior scriptwriter is to start work in short films and experiment in the cinema. Gain experience and not repeat the mistakes they made. Finally the script writer concluded that Scriptwriting is only for the people who are passionate about it. It can only prove successful in the long run and this career is not for people looking for quick easy money.

The interview with the script writer was enlightening in terms of how the profession is demanding, and yet a person passionate enough about the work could make his niche in the industry. The more practical aspects required for successful script writing was also more insightful in understanding about the demands of the actual industry. Most of the entire interview was informational in highlighting the benefits of a career in script writing like the salary, the chance to work on creative jobs, and the freedom to work on different time choices.

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