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In the present article, the rhetorical traditions have been surveyed which throws some light on the imperatives pertaining to culture which include the major complaints in the field of education of individuals for citizenship as well as the democratic deliberation and the debate which exists due to the various prescribed rules and norms. The major points of oppositions being underlined by Fish include there is existence of truth which is independent of the various perspectives which have been put forward from time to time.
A large variety of truths also come to the picture whenever there is discussion regarding the establishment of a particular point of view. Secondly, there is a whole new perspective regarding the kind of knowledge which holds true and exists as it is in its nascent form without the dependence of any belief. Knowledge is sometimes considered to be incomplete and partial when it is generally acquired from another belief thereby becoming biased. Finally, there could be a leading opposition which might exist between one’s own self as well as the internal consciousness in the pursuit for truth and the gathering of correct authenticated knowledge. The inner sub consciousness is often directed inwards and it is related to its own set of prejudices which are generally being transcribed and translated into every word or action depicted so far.
According to Stanley Fish, rhetoric functions could effectively be a reason of danger and worry where the success of rhetoric corresponds to a function related to inner weakness though there is no assault from outside externally. Those writers who have an inherent quality to emphasize and lay stress on all those inherent forms of danger where the assumption about rhetoric is that all the humans have a natural tendency to be susceptible to the appeal being filed by the rhetoric.

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