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本篇文章是关于噪音改革计划,1930年的时间段与1900年完全不同(Grueneisen, 2003)。“挑战不仅仅是由噪音本身激发的,而且是由美国城市中起作用的社会和文化力量激发的”(Grueneisen, 2003)。上面的图片被称为“城市噪音”,来自纽约市的噪音控制委员会从1930年的报告。它展示了不可抗拒的声音披肩与机械技术。噪音改革计划是为了避免爆发疾病,以改善拥挤的地区和消除工业污染(Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004)。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The time period of 1930 was totally different than in 1900 (Grueneisen, 2003). “The challenge was stimulated not simply by the noise itself, but also by social and cultural forces at work in urban America” (Grueneisen, 2003).The above image is called as “City Noise” form the report of Noise Abatement Commission of New York City from the year 1930. It displays the irresistible sounds cape with mechanical technology. The noise reform program was conducted in order to avoid the outbreak disease to improve the overcrowded areas and remove the industrial pollution (Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004).
The scientists in 1920’s had the capability to determine noise with electro acoustical instruments (Grueneisen, 2003). Thus, with the invention of this tool, the expectations to reduce noise disturbances have increased. Thus this problem is resolved by adding acoustical application in the interiors. Thus, sound and hearing have been very important element in architecture. One of the exiting auditory experiences could be “tranquillity”(Grueneisen, 2003).
Silence is also used in forming great atmosphere in architecture (Grueneisen, 2003). For example, the design of Jewish Museum by Daniel Libeskind is working on the same experience. He had designed several rooms in the museum, which are installed with different equipments. In one room, the copper plates are placed on the grounds that have shapes of faces. The voice, which is echoed by the high walls, fills the complete room. This installation is also a memoire in the memory of the holocaust. The echo of the sound is created in such a way to create experience of the individuals who had to suffer. This also creates a creepy environment with simple dramatic procedure (Grueneisen, 2003).
The eyes are the organ that creates senses about distance while touch is the sense of closeness, affection and intimacy. Vision is meant to observe and investigate the environment, while touch is meant to understand the feel. When light creates shadow, the other senses are enhanced and sharpened including the touch sensitivity (Levin, 1988). Hazelwood School situated in Glasgow was specially designed for children who are “dual sensory impaired” such children are deaf as well as blind, which means that the sense of touch was considerably more essential to develop the sense of independence in them.


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