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本文主要讲述的是心脏病治疗方法,Smith等人(2001)认为改进的技术刺激了PCI的发明。它涉及使用先进的机制,如旋转动脉粥样硬化切除术、拔管动脉粥样硬化切除术、定向动脉粥样硬化切除术、冠状动脉内支架植入和其他有用的导管设备来消除血管阻塞(Smith et al., 2001)。Rolley等人(2009)认为,作为一种普遍情况,护士需要监测PCI术后护理阶段患者的情况,以减少与治疗相关的风险。本篇美国教育学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Smith et al. (2001) states that improved technology stimulated the invention of PCI. It involves uses of advanced mechanisms, such as rotational atherectomy, extraction atherectomy, directional atherectomy, intracoronary stents implantation and other useful catheter devices to remove the blockage of blood vessels (Smith et al., 2001). As a general condition, according to Rolley et al. (2009), nurses need to monitor the conditions of the patients in their post PCI care phase to reduce the risks associated with the treatment.
In Hong Kong, the cardiologists have undertaken the initiative to create out-patient and in-patient rehabilitation facilities, especially for individuals who are suffering from heart problems. Most of the problems arise due to the lack of required infrastructure to suffice the increasing demand of cardiac treatments (Hospital Authority, 2013). To be noted in this regard, the infrastructures not only include technology advancements and complex use of equipment, it also refers to the professional skills and experiences of the nurses to deliver quality care. For instance, nursing professionals in Hong Kong often complain about the lack of proper means of coordination, integration and collaboration that affects their quality of care to the PCI patients (Hospital Authority, 2013).
With due consideration to these issues, the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong has undertaken initiatives to make the process of offering treatment to the cardiac patients more effective (Hospital Authority, 2013). In the report by Hospital Authority (2015), in cases where PCI treatment for a patient is performed in two different hospitals, the nursing professionals often fail to coordinate with the previous hospital. This in turn limits their ability to follow up care arrangements for the patient, which results in increased risks from complications occurring after their PCI treatment (Hospital Authority, 2015). This implies that nursing knowledge and efficiency plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the patients after PCI. One of the most common detrimental impacts is the puncture of the artery. These have been detailed in the following.


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