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Integrated marketing communication can be defined as a strategy to plan, create, integrate and implement all points of contact consisting among consumers for a specific brands. This strategy provides potential channels of distribution for the messages indirectly or directly influencing the process of purchases . Therefore, the company understands the need for specificities regarding the communication of information by each and every channel.


Nevertheless, each and every source related to the area of marketing will reveal information for reaching the customer with more accuracy. This will involve key indication and depende ncy upon the means of filtration among consumer . the efforts of marketing communication at the company have been sharing a common principal with each and every business. The plan of marketing community has been stemmed directly with the plan of marketing. This provides appropriate guidance for aligning the objectives of communication with marketing. The plan of marketing will lay out the service or product, promotion, place and price, and communication is a major element of that particular promotion. The overall tone set is a major concern for the health of customer along with the associated expenses for the protection of good health


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