



对于企业来说,沟通是必不可少的,因为这是企业将其产品和服务传达给竞争对手的方式。没有适当的沟通,企业最终将失去竞争优势。他们将无法沟通为什么他们的产品和竞争对手的产品有何不同。这些是关于文化的外部交流问题,然后还有内部的文化问题。有效的沟通是企业内部与员工沟通的必要条件。如果没有适当的沟通,企业可能会陷入混乱。随着内部文化问题对传播策略的影响,就有可能增加个人偏见和更多(Kim, 2000)。

在全球范围内建立起来的公司更有必要了解文化问题可能如何影响经理下属关系。从Thomas和Ravlin的研究工作中可以看出,参与者可能会与他们的管理者建立不同的联系,这取决于他们对自己的文化、国家和其他方面的个人态度(Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995)。研究表明,研究参与者与他们的国籍有更多的联系。这种与国籍的联系使参与者无法与管理人员适当地联系起来。他们认为经理和他们的相似度很低。这可能会有效地削弱管理活动。在工作场所,由于社会文化因素而与管理者产生距离而感到被孤立的员工,将无法与管理者建立良好的关系。企业将遭受损失,因为不可能有一个适当的管理设置(Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995)。


Intercultural Implications and Global Communication Strategies

Communication is essential for businesses as this is how the business will be able to communicate their products and services to competitors. Without proper communication, businesses will end up losing competitive advantage. They will not be able to communicate why and how their products are different from that of a competitor. These are external communication issues with respect to culture, and then there are internal cultural issues, too. Effective communication is required for the businesses to be able to communicate internally with their employees. Without proper communication, businesses might end up acting chaotic. With internal cultural issues having an impact on the communication strategy, there would be a chance for the increase of personal bias and more (Kim, 2000).

Companies that are globally established have a greater necessity to understand that the way cultural issues might influence manager subordinate relationships. It was seen in the research work of Thomas and Ravlin that participants might connect differently with their managers based on their personal attitude to their culture, their nation and more (Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995). Research study participants were shown to have more connection with their nationality. This connection to Nationality stopped the participants from associating properly with the managers. They assumed managers were of low similarity with them. This could effectively undermine managerial activity. Members who feel disconnected in the workplace because of their distance from the manager based on sociocultural elements would not have a good rapport with the managers. Businesses would suffer as it would be impossible to have a proper management setting (Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995).

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