




在当今时代,快时尚已经成为最新的时尚宣言。它已经被培养成青少年的思想,并被世界各地的人们所接受。Zara是一家重要的零售商,因为它成功地将改变面料行业的使命结合在一起。Zara一直是最受欢迎的时尚品牌,因为它经常更新。定期更新的策略非常有用,因为它鼓励老客户时不时地回到商店,而不是一个季度来一次。除此之外,它还向消费者保证,所有的东西都会卖光(Bickle, 2011)。这个零售商也很重要,因为它也符合当前的客户趋势和他们的需求。与其他品牌相比,他们以更低的价格出售好的时装。


At present the company has around 1600 stores in 77 nations in the world and has been consistent in forcing the logistics system to stock rotation every 15 days. The company is so efficient that it takes the time of only 14 days in order to develop and deliver a new product. The company designs around 10000 new designs in a year.

Why this retailer is important?

In the present times, Fast Fashion has become the latest fashion statement. It is something which has been cultivated into the minds of the youths and teens and is adopted by the people all over the world. Zara is an important retailer as it has been successful in the incorporation of the mission to change the fabric industry. Zara is important has it has been the favourite fashion brand because it updates regularly. The strategy to makes regular updates is very useful as it encourages the regular customers to return to the stores every now and then instead of coming once in a season. In addition to this, it also assures the shoppers that everything will be sold out (Bickle, 2011). This retailer is also important as it is also fitting with the present customer trends and their demands. They are selling good fashion at lower prices in comparison to other brands.

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