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本文主要讲述的是营销的重要性,作为一个买家,在选择产品时是有偏好的。每一次,这个项目都让我把自己想象成一个买家和市场分析师。在涉及SOSTAC模型的部分,对营销组合、战术、营销传播工具、控制策略和质量管理计划进行了培训(Marketing91.com, 2011)。科尔布的经验学习理论确实充分地激发了我对聚合型、发散型、同化型和容纳型等风格的思考。我最初是属于收敛型的。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As a buyer, there are preferences when choosing a product. Every time, the project let me to visualize myself as a buyer as well as a marketing analyst. In the section involving SOSTAC model, it educated on marketing mix, tactics, marketing communication tools, control strategies and quality management plans (Marketing91.com, 2011). Kolb’s theory of experiential learning did ignite me adequately on the styles such as converger, diverger, assimilator and accommodator. I fell in the category of converger initially.
In due course of time, I learnt that I could have performed better and then accommodator came into picture. I developed experimentation skills and reasoning abilities. Every activity that I did was supported with justifications. Without these strategies, it realized that it is impossible to promote a product and reach it to the target market. The most interesting part in this report is introduction of innovativeness and creativity to the marketing campaign. The choice of platforms, colours, demographics, timeline informed the possible outcomes and feasibility to achieve business objectives.
The analysis of marketing communication for Cuckoo has showed that it has not ventured into the online media platforms. This is the problem for the brand as it is yet to get recognized in the global market. Being a three year startup, the communication strategy has so far been weak. This report has identified objectives, tactics, strategies and change management plans to address the needs of customers and also introduce creativity in every plan of the firm. This can attract and retain large number of customers. The section on creativity has given further ideas on when to promote and the possible responses expected from the customers. The report has given several productive elements that can take the brand to next level.


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