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本文主要講環保運動的內容,在亞洲,著名的環保運動之一是奇普科運動,它始於北方邦的喜馬拉雅山脈北部。在這場運動中,村民們搶在承包商的斧頭之前,抱著樹來救他們。 Chipko運動是一項草根運動,始於北阿坎德邦人民的努力和不斷增長的需求。除此之外,工廠、道路和大壩的建設也導致了森林砍伐。村里的男男女女是這場運動的領導者,以挽救他們的生存手段和他們的社區。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In Asia, one of the famous environmental movements was Chipko Movement started in the northern Himalayan of Uttar Pradesh. In this movement, the villagers hug the trees to save them by bringing themselves ahead of the contractor’s axe. The Chipko movement is the grassroots level movement that started with the efforts and increasing needs of people in Uttarakhand. Apart from this, the construction of factories, roads and dams has led to the deforestation. The village men and women were the leaders of the movement in order to save their means of survival and their communities.
The primary focus of the movement was to assure the ecological balances for the survival of the tribal people as their economic activities revolved around the forests. The importance of Chipko can be analysed from the point of a link between forest and people. The movement not only focuses on the unequal wealth distribution within the country but is also shows the importance of sustainable ecological stability (Bankoti, 2008). The report analyses the objective and subjective factors that leads to the spread and increasing popularity of the movement. The importance was gained by showing the values at the international and national levels.
The Chipko movement was a resolution to solve the conflicts related to the conservation of the natural resources. In India, the conflicts over the conservation of forests were due to the increasing demand of resources and need for survival. The requirement for the conservation was provided with utmost priority since the aim itself defines the structure of the study. Almost everyone was aware of the significance of forest cover in regulating water and soil regimes. The movement paved the way for many such environmental movements in the country.

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