


在现实中,语言从来都不是中立的。有必要剖析语言和对话的要素,以理解对话并理解它所代表的内容(Allen, 1979)。语言的组成部分总是有隐含的意义。它不能从单向的角度来考虑。要理解其对意识形态表征的影响,就必须对其进行分析。要理解潜在的价值观,并建立有效的沟通,就需要理解言语和对话的要素。


说话的语境和实际对话可能取决于情境的主观本质。然而,人们发现这类演讲或话语中存在一些共同的元素(Allen, 1979)。批评性话语分析(CDA)是一种用来理解言语成分的工具。







Words in reality are never neutral. There is a need to dissect the elements of speech and conversation to understand about the conversation and understand what it represents (Allen, 1979). There is always an implied meaning associated with the components of the language. It cannot be considered from a unidirectional perspective. There should be analysis of the speech to understand about the influence it has in representation of the ideology. To understand about the underlying values and to build effective communication there is a need to comprehend about the elements of speech and conversation.

According to Halliday (1978), the component of language is used to analyze about the ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. This is the same ideology that is shared with the critical discourse analysis. It involves the power and the ideology. It fundamental aims to explore the relation between the discursive practice, text and events.

The context of speech and the actual conversation might be dependent on the subjective nature of the situation. Nevertheless, it has been found that there are some common elements that are found in this kind of speech or discourses (Allen, 1979). Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is one tool used to understand the components of speech.

Critical Discourse Analysis can be further subdivided into three concepts. Language and discourse, discourse and power are finally from a textual perspective. Language and discourse is understood from the context of social practice, Discourse and power is based on the implicit institutional arrangement and the textual analysis is based on the academic linguistic perspective.


However, these are only academic theories. There is a need to understand this aspect of communication through real time experience. It is only by combining these two systems there can be holistic understanding of the various models of communication. In this context the element of languages, discourse of speech and various theoretical models about speech has been considered. In this case study example, the people in the conversation are essentially discussing about Micheal Moore “Capitalism A love story”. There is differing opinion to elucidate the various aspects of this movie and the concepts involved in capitalism. The reason for choosing this case study is that people have been giving a lot of importance to the notions of capitalism. The ideology of capitalism has always been an issue that is hotly debated. The people often have a sense of multiple views regarding capitalism. Owing to this this particular case study was analysed.

Using a casual conversation between peers in the college community the theoretical models are probed. The theories that will be probed in this analysis are the speech act theory, communication theory and community principles.

The primary purpose of this analysis is to investigate the practical significant of the theoretical models, emphasise the importance of communication and dissect the elements of communication thorough the process of using a case study. When using participants for a study the issue of consent and personal bias has been addressed in this research. The most useful academic model that was found to be useful in this context was the notebook method of documenting data. The exact transcript of the conversation has been explained in detail in the appendix section.

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