


根据Castell(2005),网络社会已经被确定为一个超社会社会,而不是一个孤立的社会。本讨论将围绕这一论点展开,提供适当的证据和支持(Castells & Cardoso, 2005)。网络往往构成社会中独特的社会形态。这是一个社会,其中有组织的关键社会活动和结构,跨网络的电子处理信息。

它是关于社交网络,通过使用基于微电子的技术,专注于管理和处理信息。传播的网络逻辑涉及到在处理文化、权力、经验和生产过程中对结果和操作的实质性修改。网络最终成为现代社会中简单的单元(Castells, 2011)。网络社会的发展已经远远超出了信息社会的范畴。纯粹地说,它不是现代社会的技术定义,而是构成整个网络社会的政治、经济和文化因素。


社会地位、政治组织、文化教养和宗教等因素的影响往往会塑造整个网络社会(Castells & Cardoso, 2005)。这些因素以许多不同的方式塑造着社会。这些影响要么阻碍社会发展,要么推动社会进步。在Castell为网络社会设定的愿景中,流动的空间起到了至关重要的作用。在城市中,精英并不依附于特定的地域,而是依附于流动的空间。

Castells非常强调网络的重要性,同时认为必须在网络中发现真正的力量,而不是把它们限制在全球范围内。这往往与其他理论家的观点与城市的等级排名形成对比(Castells, 2011)。总的来说,除了一些试图在生活中尝试新事物的年轻人之外,个人并不倾向于在互联网上面对身份。人们一直在生活中折叠技术,同时连接真实的虚拟和虚拟现实。


According to Castell (2005), the network society has been identified as a hyper-social society, instead of an isolated society. This discussion will focus on this thesis statement, providing appropriate evidence and support (Castells & Cardoso, 2005). Networks tend to constitute the unique social morphology across the societies. It is a society in which there is organization of key social activities and structure across networks of electronically processed information.

It is regarding social networks which focus on managing and processing information, by the use of technologies based micro- electronically. Networking logic diffused involves the substantial modification of outcomes and operation in processing the culture, power, experience, and production. Networks have ended up becoming the simple units across the modern society (Castells, 2011). The network society tends to be going way beyond the proclaimed information society. Purely, it is not the technology defining modern societies, but even the political, economic and cultural factors making up the entire network society.


Influences like social status, political organizations, cultural upbringing and religion tend to be shaping the entire network society (Castells & Cardoso, 2005). There is shaping of the society by these factors in a number of different ways. These influences either tend to be hindering or raising the societies. A crucial role played by the space of flows across in the vision set by Castell for the network society. In cities, elites do not have attachment to a specific locality, but instead, there is attachment with the space of flows.

Huge emphasis has been laid upon the network by Castells, while arguing that there must be discovery of real power in the networks instead of their confinement across global. This tends to be contrasting the views of other theorists with the hierarchical ranking of the cities (Castells, 2011). By and large, individuals do not tend to be facing identity across the internet, apart from some younger people trying to experiment and try new things in their lives. People have been folding technology within their lives, while linking real virtuality and virtual reality.

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