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論文 代寫-認識論的病理學

本文的主要內容是認識論的病理學,人類和人類社會被認為植根於世界的系統結構之中。在這方面,英國著名的人類學家格雷戈里·貝特森認為,這種普遍的系統結構是自組織的、自我超越的。貝特森創造了“認識論的病理學”一詞,它闡明了個體的思維和認知方式從根本上是錯誤的。然而,在倫敦會議上的“有意識的目標與自然”演講背後的主要思想,可以與英國搖滾樂隊的著名歌曲“不會再被愚弄了”聯繫起來。本文對貝特森的演講進行了有效的總結,並與搖滾樂隊the Who的歌曲在抒情、音樂和視覺方面進行了比較。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Human beings and human society are considered to be rooted in the systemic structure of the world. In this regards, Gregory Bateson was a popular English anthropologist, who argued that this general systematic structure is self-organizing and self-transcending. Bateson had coined the phrase “pathologies of epistemology” which elucidates that the ways individuals think and know are fundamentally amiss. However, the main idea behind the Conscious Purpose versus Nature lecture at the London Conference can be associated with the famous song by English rock band Won’t Get Fooled Again. This paper has effectively summarized the lecture delivered by Bateson and elucidated a comparison with the lyrical, musical and visual aspects of the song by the rock band the Who.
Conscious Purpose versus Nature is basically considered to be one of the lectures that were delivered by Gregory Bateson in the year 1968 in London. In this lecture of Conscious Purpose versus Nature, the main aim of Gregory Bateson was to focus on highlighting and evaluating the roots of our civilization. It has been seen that Gregory analyzed three different major ancient civilizations which have significantly affected human origin in the past such as Roman, Hebrew and Greek. Moreover, another major reason that has been identified behind the deliverance of this lecture by Gregory Bateson is that through this discussion, Gregory was looking to fight out the conflict that has been prevailing between the Romans and the Palestinians. In the lecture of Bateson, it was identified that he has aimed at discussing the advantages and problems which have been faced by people of Romanians and Palestinians in the past. The most important aspect of Bateson in his lecture is that he has remained neutral in the opinions about the pathologies and peculiarities that prevailed in the ancient Romano-Palestinian system (Bateson 432-445).
Similarly, in the lecture, Gregory Bateson focused on discussing the essay which was developed by Robert Wallace that incidentally coincided with the thought of Darwin on complexity and prevalence of natural selection. Bateson also went on to provide an in-depth knowledge of the essay of Robert Wallace to the audience by discussing the quotation:
“The action of this principle [the struggle for existence] is exactly like that of the steam engine, which checks and corrects any irregularities almost before they become evident; and in like manner no unbalanced deficiency in the animal kingdom can ever reach any conspicuous magnitude, because it would make itself felt at the very first step, by rendering existence difficult and extinction almost sure to follow.” (Bateson 433-434)

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