




在荷马的观点中,雅典人认为自己过着一种美好而高尚的生活。他们做得很好,生活也很得体。在这段时间里,人们理解了一些术语,叫做“好”或“阿加索斯”,“坏”或“卡卡斯”。雅典人的生活有多好,可以从阿加托斯和卡卡斯这两个概念中看出。因此,雅典人并没有过多地参与了解好人是谁这一更广泛的概念(Choi & Sciglitano 35)。好人能成为好国王、好丈夫、好妻子等等。一个人的社会角色和所处的环境是了解好人所必需的。现在需要回答的一个问题是一个人内在的善与恶是否仅仅作为一种社会情感而被否定?当一个人试图将个人理解为上帝的形象时会发生什么?如果上帝在他的美德中创造了人,那么一个人就会不顾世俗的诱惑,为善而战,因为他有神圣的美德。这似乎与雅典人的荷马观点相矛盾。雅典人认为他们是社会的好与坏,个人与社会没有太多的联系。


The Christian view of men argues that humans are indeed created in the image of God. It was God who created these social beings, and in doing so, God has made us have his virtues of sympathy, altruism and many more. This essay argues that much of the social good we seek; social collectiveness and politics of living is indeed derived from some good elements. The good elements are embedded in us and hence using that understanding for the greater good must be a common purpose. Everybody should seek to find the good within them.

Being Good as a Social Sense

In the Homeric view, Athenians saw themselves as living a good and virtuous life. They did good and lived appropriately. There were terms understood during this time called the good or the agathos, and the bad or the kakos. How well an Athenian lived their life was indicated by two concepts called the agathos and the kakos. Athenians hence were not much involved in understanding a broader notion of who the good person was (Choi & Sciglitano 35). A good person made good kings, good husbands, and good wives etc. The social role and setting of a person were needed to understand the good person. Now a question that begs to be answered at this point is whether the good and bad within a person were only denied as a social sensibility? What happens when one seeks to understand the individual as an image of God? If God created people in his virtues, then a person fights for being good because of the Godly virtues in him, irrespective of worldly temptations. This would then seem a contradiction with the Homeric view of Athenians. Athenians believed that they were social good or bad, and the individual did not have much connection to do it.

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