


《公司法》(2001)是由澳大利亚联邦制定的。这些法律是针对澳大利亚的商业实体制定的。据观察,这些公司的业绩是基于一些重要的切线。这些包括合作伙伴关系和投资计划的管理(Tomasic, Bottomley和McQueen, 2002)。公司法是公司的基本立法。这些公司正在使用这种对公司的监管。这些都是关于公司的形成和经营的。这些都与公司可能采用的章程相结合。这些是官员和筹款人的职责。《公司法》(2001)的原则适用于案件和不同的法律行动。这些已经在下面的分析中阐明。


根据2001年公司法的规定,公司有权实施自己的章程或使用该法中规定的可替换规则。公司需要践行责任原则(Kang, Cheng and Gray, 2007)。有限责任是指个人或者单位的财务责任限于一定数额。最常见的因素是个人投资的价值有限。如果公司是有限责任公司,如果被起诉,索赔人只能起诉公司而不能起诉所有者。独立的法律实体可以定义为业务与个人或其他业务分离的过程。这是关于责任的问题。独立法人是指公司或者公司人员与其他公司的个人发生分离的情形。公司面纱的定义是,法院在发现股东对公司的行为负有个人责任的情况下,将公司的有限责任搁置一旁(Wettenhall, 2003)。在封闭式企业中,穿面纱是最常见的行为之一。发现这些工作对公司的凝聚力,以指导公司的内部管理。第136(1)条规定,当章程是根据申请人的协议制定时,公司可以采用章程。他们也可以在不制定宪法的情况下注册公司,并在通过特别法律后采用新的决议。该法的第233条规定,法院可以制定一个新的命令,以确保公司采用宪法(尼克尔森和基尔,2004)。澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(ASIC)将在14天内公布。因此,需要在这个范例中考虑公司面纱和法院含义的原则。


The Corporation Act (2001) is an act that was determined by the Commonwealth of Australia. These were set out the laws that deal with the business entities in Australia. It is observed that the of the companies are based on a number of important tangents. These include partnerships and management of the investment schemes (Tomasic, Bottomley and McQueen, 2002). The corporate act is the principle legislation in the companies. The companies are use this regulating of the companies. These operate on the formation and the operation of the companies. These are in conjunction of the constitution that could be adopted by the companies. These are the duties of the officers and the fundraiser. The tenets of the Corporation Act (2001) have been applied with the cases and in the different action of the laws. These have been elucidated in the following analysis.

Company Registration, Company Constitution and Replaceable Rules

Under the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001, the company has the right to either implement their own constitution or use the replaceable rules that are found in the act. The tenets of liability need to be practiced by the companies (Kang, Cheng and Gray, 2007). Limited liability refers to when the financial liability of an individual or entity is limited to a fixed sum. Most common factor is that the value of the person’s investment is limited. If the company is with the limited liability, if sued the claimants can only sue the company and not the owners. The separate legal entity can be defined as the process where the business is found to be detached from the individual or another business. This is referred with respect to the accountability. The separate legal entity can be defined as the case where the corporation or the person in the company is found to separate from the individual of the other company. Corporate veil is defined as the situation where the courts are found to put aside the limited liability for the company in cases where they find the shareholders to be personally liable for the action of the corporation’s (Wettenhall, 2003). The veil piercing is one of the most common actions in the close corporations. These are found to work in cohesion to the company in order to guide the internal management of the company. S136 (1) states that the company can adopt the constitution when the constitution is developed based on the agreement of the applicants. They can also register the company without developing a constitution and can adopt a newer resolution after the passing of the special laws. S233 of the act states that the courts can make a newer order to ensure that the companies adopt the constitution (Nicholson and Kiel, 2004). Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) are within 14 days. Hence, the tenets of corporate veil and court implications need to be considered in this paradigm.

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