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本文主要講的是關注環境的可持續性發展,環境的可持續性是全球商業人士和消費者關注的主要問題。所有從事這一行業的人都承認對環境可持續性的重視。本組織理解並承認保護環境和關注環境問題的必要性。它還認識到組織的運作對產品準備和銷售的社區的穩步發展的影響(McElroy和Engelen, 2012)。本篇論文代寫行情文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The sustainability of the environment is a major concern among both the business professionals as well as the shoppers across the globe. All those involved in this business accept the importance attached to environmental sustainability. The organization understands and acknowledges the need to take care of the environment and to pay attention to environmental issues. It also recognizes the steadily evolving effect the operations of the organizations have on communities where products are prepared and sold (McElroy and Engelen, 2012).
Using constant analysis, it aims to improve and implement techniques, which have the power to decrease environmental footprint. In addition, while evolving these techniques, it is seen that long-term sustainable partnerships are promoted throughout the world. The sustainability initiatives do not always directly influence the supply chain as well as the logistics, but they improve the operations slightly at times (Brady, 2005). Two of the top commitments of the organization are the reduction of emission of greenhouse gasses and creating more awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship for any organization.
Reducing the number of wastes is a major challenge in ensuring environmental sustainability. The reduction of the waste is made through collaboration with other organizations, getting involved in conservation projects and reducing the emission of carbon. The method adopted in this case is that of the three Rs namely, reduction, reuse, and recycling of products. This method helps in fulfilling environmental stewardship programs, which are short term based. There is the need for monitoring the energy consumption levels continuously (Mohrman and Shani, 2011). The employees are efficient and trained to deliver their work attaining the least possibility of creating industrial waste.

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