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本篇文章的要內容是良好的領導力和創新技術是成功的使命,領導必須是這樣的情況得到成功的處理,宇航員將被安全地帶回家(溫特勞布,2013)。情景領導或應急領導是一種領導風格,在這種領導風格下,領導者能夠掌控局面,確保項目目標得到實現。 Kranz作為飛行指揮,展示了情境領導的要素。他讓他的地勤人員忙於收集信息,幫助他們每個人專注於自己的工作,同時確保他們能夠與太空中的宇航員很好地協調。爆炸發生後,一系列系統關閉,在這段時間裡,人們有理由感到恐慌。本篇論文代筆文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Leadership has to be such that the situation is handled successfully and the astronauts were to be brought back home safely (Weintraub, 2013). Situational leadership or Contingency leadership is a leadership style where the leader would be able to take charge of the situation and ensure that the project objectives were met. Kranz, as the flight director, exhibited elements of the situational leadership. He kept his ground crew occupied with the collection of information, and helped each of them focus on their job and at the same time ensured that they were able to coordinate well with the astronauts in space. After the explosion, a series of systems were shutting down, and in this time, there was reason to panic.
However, Kranz was said to have stated a simple command that made everybody a little more relaxed and more in control of the situation which was “Okay now, let’s everybody keep cool. Let’s solve the problem, but let’s not make it any worse by guessing” (Reilly, & Wren, 2002, p.30). This was a very practical and down to earth advice that Kranz gave his crew members and it was something that helped calm both the ground crew and also the astronauts. It was both his communication style and leadership style that helped the men to be more in control. The levelheaded thinking of Kranz did not betray panic and this helped the men stay motivated.
The second main element or concept that saved the day was the bricolage conceptualization that was used. Bricolage is a technique where a traditional thinking would be replaced by a more situational one based on creativity. In the case of the Apollo 13 mission, NASA engineers needed a Carbon dioxide filter and had to use bricolage in order to come up with an adhoc solution that saved the day (Corbett, & Katz, 2013). While the concept of Bricolage might not be something useful in project situations, in the case of the pressing need of Apollo 13, there was a necessity to enable the astronauts to think more creatively. The combined communication tactics, good leadership and newer techniques of creativity were what led the mission to be successful (Corbett, & Katz, 2013).
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