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本篇文章主要讲的是麦当劳对消费者的不当期望分析,麦当劳的消费者营销方法的一个关键问题是,它没有通过消费者营销正确地分析和满足顾客的真实期望。这家餐厅的消费者似乎对麦当劳在消费者营销方面采取的方法感到不满。这是因为它缺乏创新性。麦当劳偶尔会进行市场调查和研究,以正确理解和实现消费者的期望。调查由专家进行、分析和评估。因此,很明显,组织能够根据市场调查和调查的结果有效地跟踪消费者的期望。然而,专家认为,市场研究确实有助于跟踪消费者的期望,但它们不应该被视为绝对的真理(Trentmann, 2016)。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

One of the key problems of the consumer marketing approach of McDonald’s is that it does not properly analyze and address the real expectations of the customers through the consumer marketing. The consumers at the restaurant seemed to be unhappy about the approaches McDonald’s adopt for consumer marketing. This is because it lacked innovativeness. McDonald’s occasionally conduct market surveys and research to properly understand and realize the expectations of the consumers. The surveys are conducted, analyzed, and evaluated by the experts. Therefore, it is pretty obvious that the organization is able to efficiently track the consumer expectations according to the findings of the market research and surveys. However, experts suggest that market research is really helpful to track the consumer expectations but they should never be taken as absolute gospel truth (Trentmann, 2016).
The outcomes and the findings of the market research should be analyzed in accordance with the competence and deficiencies, strengths and weaknesses of the organization. But McDonald’s has always made this mistake. They place the utmost emphasis on the market research outcomes. It gives them a glimpse of the market condition and the consumer research. According to most of the consumers, McDonald’s never take innovative decisions and analyze the outcomes in relation to the possible market position in the future. It gets reflected in their consumer marketing. There is no sign of innovative solutions for consumer expectations in advance. The consumers expect the organization to give importance to the market research but also mix it with innovative decisions in the real life. But when it comes to consumer marketing, McDonald’s fail to meet this specific expectation. As a result, their marketing strategy seems to be outdated, invalid, and ineffective.
There are multiple problems in the consumer marketing strategy of McDonald’s. Another great problem in this section is that McDonald’s fail to attract people from diverse groups who have diverse taste, different expectations, and varied approaches. Even if the marketing research proves to be absolutely helpful and true, McDonald’s fail to reflect the results in their consumer marketing strategy. Creating specific kinds of food and drinks for different kind of people is a part of the consumer marketing. But McDonald’s has historically failed to produce such products that can meet the varied requirements of different kinds of people (Tuttle, 2015).

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