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被骗文章主要讲述的是动机与利益,很多时候,采购经理的动机围绕着机会主义。人们相信,机遇将被抓住,以促进自身利益。机会主义可能有三个层次:在你的脸上,自然和微妙。外部供应链:外部供应链对组织有直接和间接的影响。外部供应链受到运输失败、交付链中断、关税增加、客户需求变化、技术变化、原材料价格上涨的影响(Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001)。另一方面,内部供应链更容易受到组织问题的影响,比如机器故障或信息流问题。本篇华盛顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Many times the motivation for purchase managers revolves around Opportunism. It is believed that opportunity would be seized to further self-interest. It is possible that opportunism could be possible in three levels: in your face, natural as well as subtle.External supply chain: An external supply chain has direct and indirect influence on an organization to. External supply chains are influenced by transportation failure, delivery chain disruptions, increasing customs duty, change in customer demand, technological change, increasing raw material prices (Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001). On the other hand an internal supply chain is influenced more by organizational issues like faulty machines or issues with information flow.
It is often found that the internal functions of an organization are in opposition to each other, creating any number of instances of ‘self-inflicted wounds’ (Porter, 1980). There are often subtle, sub-group centralized activities which result in poor performance and inefficient management of the purchase process.
Though there are structured lines and processes created in an organization, an increasing ‘cross-functional’ approach often results in converse decisions, influencing the overall quality of the process. There are a number of stakeholders involved in this structure of internal management for purchase processes (Feldmann and Müller, 2003). This includes the corporate itself, procurement departments, as well as internal consumers or clients and the end user. The multiple stakeholder structure gives ample opportunity for conflict of interests. One of the key problem or issue faced is that of ‘Demand Management Problems.’
These problems are caused due to various influences. One of the first issues which look to achieve short-term goals is the ‘off-contract’ issue. This type of buying is often called Maverick Buying. Similarly, spending could be distributed among several numbers of suppliers, due to their availability. Other problems include specification fumbles that assist suppliers. Sometimes an early requirement which offers better scope for Supplier A is likely to trigger similar problems. One has to accept that another supplier-specific issue is that of corrupt suppliers influencing purchasers. This leads to favouritism. Sometimes, there is negotiation which is largely sub-optimal in nature. Internal management issues also lead to over-specification of a requirement, or even blurred specifications. At times, there is a distinct lack of demand information which will bundle into bigger issues. However, the general issue behind demand management problem is poor relationship governance.


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