



公民新闻的无所不在的本质是由于人们可以将真实的生活事件以直播的形式呈现给人们(Lewis, Kaufhold, & Lasorsa, 2010)。当一件事情发生不公正的时候,人们可以使用这个社交媒体工具来展示事件。

在许多社区,社交媒体被广泛用于传播关于虐待妇女和种族灭绝的信息。在战争中,他们可以向人们展示战争的破坏和谁真正需要援助。人道主义问题可以被人们用来理解问题的细微差别。他们也使人们能够理解问题和另一个角度的观点。在许多情况下,社交媒体的作用增强了信息来源的可信度(Carpenter, 2008)。他们使记者能够获得真实的信息。他们试图弥补媒体和记者之间的空白。在许多情况下,这种新闻形式值得称赞。





这些公民新闻会导致人们在选择性编辑过程的基础上撰写有偏见的报道。它成为一种病毒式的轰动,没有任何真实的来源来证实这些事件。传统的新闻媒体花了很多时间来核实消息来源,以核实人们的说法。这在公民发帖的情况下是不允许的。在某些情况下,它们被用来讨论没有任何真正可信来源的宣传。这可能导致社会问题,甚至最初的社区暴力(Atton, 2009)。人们会因为虚假的报道和对人们的看法而失去对正直的人的尊重。心理学家指出,人们通常使用这些工具来进行长篇大论。他们不讲事实,有些人认为这是一种危险的观点。他们喜欢让人们接受暴力是好的、自然的,或者让人们对暴力几乎漠不关心。

内容的质量也是另一个问题。没有真正的财政资源,原始的镜头没有显示事件的全部范围(Johnson & Wiedenbeck, 2009)。


Role of social media in citizen journalism

The ubiquitous nature of the citizen journalism is owing to the fact that the people can show the real life events in the form of live feed to the people (Lewis, Kaufhold, & Lasorsa, 2010). When there is injustice occurring in a situation, the people can use this social media tools to showcase the events.

Social media are widely used to spread information about abuse against women and the genocide of people in many communities. During war, they can show the people the ravages of war and who really need to be given aid. The humanitarian issues can be used by the people to understand the nuances of the issues. They also enable the people to understand the issues and also the views of another perspective. The role of social media has empowered and given rise to more credible sources of information in many cases (Carpenter, 2008). They enable the journalist to procure true information. They try to cover the gaps of the journalists and the news media in the outlets. This forms of journalism in many cases need to be lauded.

The people also gain a sense of community and the communal ties are improved owing to the fact that the people each share their views. There is the rise in effective communication. The people also help each other if it is approved by the peers. There is overall better community ties and liaisons in this process.

The citizen journalism has exited over centuries. However, the role of social media has shifted the nuances of journalism. The people are empowered with a powerful weapon to portray and showcase live feeds and events.

Critique analysis of the citizen journalism

The issue with the citizen journalism is the issue of objectivity.

These citizen journalisms can lead to the people writing biased report based on selective editing of the processes. It becomes a viral sensation without any real sources to validate the events. Traditional news outlets spend a lot of times addressing the sources to verify the claims made by the people. This is not done in the case of citizens posting. In some cases, they are used to discuss propaganda without any real credible sources. This can cause issues in the societies even initial communal violence (Atton, 2009). The people can lose the respect for people with integrity based on false reporting and perception of the people. Psychologists state that the people in general use these tools as a tirade. They do not really speak facts and some people assume to take a dangerous view. They are fond to imbibe in people that violence is fine and naturalize or make the people almost indifferent to violence.

Quality of the content is also another issues. There are no real financial resources and the raw footage does not show the full extent of the events (Johnson & Wiedenbeck, 2009).

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