


研究发现,在即将上学的同性恋学生中,自杀是主要的死亡原因。据推测,上学的同性恋学生自杀的可能性是正常人的2到6倍。另一项研究表明,超过30%的青少年自杀是同性恋学生所为。与毒品滥用相比,上学的同性恋者也有更高的风险。据观察,大约有28%的同性恋者因为在学校环境中受到的暴力而不得不从高中辍学。这种暴力包括口头和身体虐待。也有人观察到,这些同性恋者每天都要面对来自学校老师的歧视。除此之外,还有许多学校官员更喜欢异性恋学生而不是同性恋。cole(2007)的研究表明,学校对同性恋学生的虐待、忽视和歧视的发生率更高(Hong &Garbarino 2012, p.271)。甚至父母也希望他们的孩子不是同性恋。同性恋者在学校里必须面对许多评论。他们必须面对的一些口头暴力包括人们说他们恨他们,他们不能和他们呆在一起或和他们交谈。人权观察(2001)也报道过,学校里的年轻人一旦知道自己是同性恋,就会不断受到同龄人的骚扰。对于这种歧视和暴力,同性恋者几乎没有选择。他们没有得到管理层、同学甚至父母的支持。因此,他们没有出路,似乎没有任何积极的东西出现在他们面前。除此之外,人权观察(2001)也担心他们在学校里必须面对身体或性侵犯。因为同样的原因,他们不得不面对更高的学业失败的风险。此外,他们不太参与大部分的学生活动。根据最近进行的一项研究,已经发现超过42%的学校同性恋学生被迫违背自己的意愿进行性行为(Olsen et al . 2009, p.432)。


It has been found that the leading cause of death among the homosexual students who are going to school is suicide. It has been assumed that homosexual students going to school are 2 to 6 times more likely to conduct suicide than the normal individuals. A yet another research states that over 30 % suicides done by the teens are actually committed by homosexual students. The homosexuals who go to schools are at a higher risk in comparison to drug abuse as well. It has also been observed that around 28 % of the homosexuals have to drop out from their high schools because of the violence done against them in the school environment.This violence includes both verbal and physical abuse. It has also been observed that these homosexuals have to face the discrimination from school teachers on a day to day basis. In addition to this, there are many school officials who have a higher preference to straight students over the homosexuals.According to the study conducted byCole (2007), it has been mentioned that there have been a higher rate of abuse, neglect and discrimination in schools against the homosexual students (Hong &Garbarino 2012, p.271). Even the parents prefer that their child is not a homosexual. Homosexuals have to face a number of comments while they are in schools. Some of the verbal violence which they have to face includes the people saying that they hate them, and they cannot stay with them or talk to them. It has also been reported by Human Rights Watch (2001), who stated that the youths who are in schools are continuously harassed by their peers once they get to know that they are homosexuals. For this discrimination and violence, the homosexuals have very few options. They arenot supported by the management, by fellow students and even by their parents. Therefore, they are left with no way out and there is nothing positive which may seem to appear for them. In addition to this, the Human Rights Watch (2001) also fears that they have to face physical or sexual assault while being in school. Because of the same, they have to face a higher risk of academic failure. Moreover, they arenot very much involved in most of the student activities. According to the recent study conducted, it has been found that more than 42 % of the homosexual students going to the schools are being forced to involve in sex against their own will (Olsen et al 2009, p.432).

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