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Chapter 1: Introduction
Research Outline
This research is inclusive of 4 chapters with each chapter holding its individual significance. The first chapter that is introduction has provided an overview of this research, the main problem being addressed along with the methods that will be used for addressing the issue. The second chapter is a literature study performed through consideration of various literature articles to enlighten the methods available. Furthermore, Chapter 3 is inclusive of Data processing through literature review and then analysis. The final chapter is the conclusion chapter providing adequate explanation to the overall requirement of this research.
Chapter 2: Theory
This chapter is an essential chapter of this research as it will focus on defining the key terms being used in the entire thesis. There is an extremely broad application of the terms phase noise and jitter within the industries of electronics. There has been generation of a lot of literature for dealing with these. There are a number of misconceptions regarding what can exactly be referred to as jitter as there are huge variations in the definition being highly dependent on the particular application [14]. As a matter of fact, there is no denial in the fact that there is not a single, particular, universally approved and comprehensive specification that defines phase noise, wander and jitter.

Key Words Definition
The term jitter is referred to as the deviating point from the actual periodicity of a periodic signal being presumed in telecommunications and electronics. The observation of Jitter can be done in a number of features like the amplitude of signal, frequency held by successive pulses, or phase in the periodicity of signal [4]. Jitter, in general terms, is an undesired and mostly significant factor within the design of each and every link of communication. In the applications for the recovery of clock, it is referred to as the timing jitter [14]. The quantification of jitter can be done with respect to similar terms as all signal varying with time.

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