



Pension policies operate with the objective of ensuring that an adequate level of retirement income is provided for people in order to assist them in living their life comfortably after retirement. This work analyzes the at-risk of poverty in old age pensioners with respect to the factors that influence it. At-risk of poverty is studied from different perspectives in literature, and based on hypothesis formulation, a regressive analysis is done to observe correlations.

In computing at-risk levels of poverty, there are many factors that have to go into consideration. Firstly, at a statutory age of 65 and over, it could be argued that disposable income below 60 and after 60 will not match because of the country they are in. A person considered poor in Switzerland might have more disposable income than a poor person in Hungary. Poverty thresholds will differ across countries. Some countries might also have a working age population that has grown recently, and in that case the at-risk of becoming poor increases significantly for the retirees. In this background context, this research work attempts to understand the real income of the country and its effect poverty in pensioners. The real income of the country is calculated using the Solow Model. Under the Solow model, Y(t) is the rate of production of a country which is its real income. A part of the output in production will be saved or will be invested. Based on the Solow model and other related variables, this work attempts to analyze whether the real income of the country can be correlate to higher or lower levels of at-risk poverty in OECD countries. This analysis will be a way to understand how old age pension systems in OECD countries could be modified in order to reduce the at-risk of poverty of pensioners.

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